Save on tariffs with our Foreign-Trade Zones
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What is a Foreign-Trade Zone?
An FTZ is an area INSIDE the geographic boundary of the U.S., but OUTSIDE of U.S. Customs & Border Patrol territory.
Within the FTZ, merchandise can be admitted without immediate payment of U.S. Customs duties or Excise taxes.
This allows you to Reduce, Defer, or Eliminate the tariff on your merchandise or raw materials.
​We understand Foreign-Trade Zones [FTZ], and can provide this designation at all of our facilities.

How does this designation benefit my business?
​While there are too many benefits to list here, these are some of the primary benefits available:
Duty Elimination from Manufacturing:
Some duty-free products are that are manufactured in the U.S. are made from parts or raw materials that include a tariff. If you manufacture these dutiable parts into a duty-free product within an FTZ, you can reduce the duty on those parts, and reduce their cost.
Duty Deferral:
​Because a product in an FTZ has not entered U.S. Commerce, all tariffs are deferred until they enter U.S. Commerce.
​This allows you to repurpose those funds for growth and investment.
Weekly Entry:
Weekly Entry is a provision only allowed to Foreign Trade Zones. It allows an importer to file one consolidated Customs Entry for all shipments made during the week, rather than filing one Customs Entry for every shipment. If you have numerous shipments, this could result in substantial savings.

The International Trade Administration has a Duty Savings Estimator Worksheet that can help you determine your potential savings by using a Foreign-Trade Zone. You can find their page here.